Vocational education

Training and further education including apprenticeships, traineeships, workplace and on-the-job training.

Aboriginal Policy Planning and Reconciliation

The Department has a commitment to improving training and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people under the Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap 2019—2029 (Closing the Gap) through a range of training and workforce initiatives.

Accountability Requirements

Includes the following Requirements: annual declaration on compliance, third party arrangements, prepaid fee protection measures, public liability insurance and compliance with other requirements.

After the Audit

A number of activities occur after an audit is conducted at a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Amount of Training Webinar

This webinar explores the concept of amount of training and discusses how it works to support the provision of quality training and assessment services by RTOs.

Assessing in the Workplace webinar

Topics covered in this webinar include why assess in the workplace, how to build strong cooperative relationships, roles and responsibilities, managing third-party observers, providing effective support for learners and undertaking continuous improvement.

Assessment Validation webinar

This webinar provides practical information on how to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for ongoing and systematic validation of assessment for training products on an RTO’s scope.

Awarding Credit webinar

This webinar will provide guidance and information to RTOs on when it is appropriate to award credit for units of competency and/or modules.

Becoming a Registered Training Organisation

If you are considering becoming a registered training organisation (RTO) with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC), we encourage you to view the following information.

Becoming an RTO webinar

This webinar guides participants through the application process and identifies documents that will assist in preparing the initial registration application.

Ceasing registration

A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) may cease in the following situations.

Changes to registration

From time to time a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) may wish to make changes to its registration with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC).

Civil Construction Pilot Program

The Civil Construction Pilot Program commenced on 3 September 2021, in response to a request from the civil construction industry.

Clustering Units webinar

This webinar explores the fundamentals of clustering units, the benefits for RTOs and learners, the challenges that might be involved and includes some practical examples.

Complaints against Registered Training Organisations

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) is able to progress complaints received about TAC registered training organisations (RTOs) and where the complaint relates to an RTOs compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Continuous Improvement webinar

This webinar provides guidance to RTOs on developing and maintaining a continuous improvement ethos and process consistent with Standard 2 Clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Contract Negotiation Workshop

Workshop: This will provide WA Public Sector employees with a deeper understanding of contract negotiations in the procurement context.

Contract Negotiations

Workshop: This will provide WA Public Sector employees with a deeper understanding of contract negotiations in the procurement context.

Design and Development of an Assessment System webinar

Assessment is a fundamental part of a Registered Training Organisation's (RTO) operations and an assessment system includes not only the actual materials used directly in conducting assessment, but also policies, procedures and other supporting documents informing assessment conducted by an RTO.

Designing and Using Assessment Tools webinar

As assessments are used to determine a learner's competence, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) must ensure their assessment tools are developed to meet all unit or module assessment requirements and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Developing Western Australia's workforce

The Department of Training and Workforce Development works together with stakeholders across government, industry and the community to establish strategies and programs that build WA’s workforce to meet economic and community needs.

During the Audit

The following information outlines what occurs during a TAC audit.

Fit and Proper Person Requirements

It is a requirement of registration with the Training Accreditation Council that registered training organisations comply with the fit and proper person requirements.

Industry Engagement webinar

This webinar explores strategies to plan and undertake industry engagement. Examples of effective industry engagement will be discussed to assist Registered Training Organisations to consider their own practices.

Internal Audit webinar

The Internal Audit webinar series provides registered training organisations (RTO) with practical and specific information on the 'why’, ‘when’, ‘who’ and’ how’ of conducting an RTO internal audit.

Jobs & Skills WA

The Jobs & Skills WA website is a one-stop shop for WA vocational education and training — supporting career planning, jobseekers, and employers.

Making an Assessment Decision webinar

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 at Clauses 1.13 - 1.20 describes precisely who can (and cannot) be an assessor. Only qualified assessors can make assessment judgements. This workshop explores the use assessment tools and the gathering of necessary evidence.

Managing and Amending Registered Training Organisation Scope webinar

This webinar addresses some of the challenges faced by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in managing scope and preparing applications for amendments to scope. Amendments might arise from updates or removal of training products, or the addition of scope to meet client needs.

Pay your Construction Training Fund Levy

The Construction Training Fund Levy is to be paid on all residential, commercial and civil engineering construction projects undertaken in Western Australia.

Preparing for Audit webinar

This webinar will provide you with information that will help you to understand why and how the Training Accreditation Council implements the audit process and what you can do to help make the experience a positive one for your organisation.

Prior to Audit

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) should understand the range of activities that occur before the actual audit.

Quality Delivery in Training and Learning webinar

This webinar explores quality training and what this looks like in practice. This includes information on what to think about when choosing an approach for learners, how to plan teaching and learning, structuring on the job learning and how to support the workplace to support the learner.

Quality Reforms

To support the future growth and prosperity of our nation, the Australian, state and territory governments are committed to improving the VET system through quality reform.

Reasonable Adjustment and Inclusive Practice webinar

This webinar aims to assist RTO trainers, assessors and managers understand the practice of reasonable adjustment and inclusive practice in their teaching, learning and assessment and how it supports learners with disability or ongoing ill health to access and participate in education and training.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) webinar

This workshop deals with common misunderstandings and confusion about recognition of prior learning (RPL) and related concepts and examines the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 concerning RPL.

Registration Application Forms

All Registration Forms including the RTO1a - Application for Initial Registration can now only be accessed and submitted through the TAC RTO Portal.

Renewal of registration

An application for renewal of registration must be submitted to the Training Accreditation Council (TAC) prior to the end of the Registered Training Organisation's (RTO) registration period.

Renewal of Registration webinar

Under the WA Vocational Education and Training (General) Regulations 2009, RTOs are initially registered for two years, with a following registration period up to a maximum of 7 years. This webinar provides information on this Renewal of Registration process.

Requesting Records

Requesting Student Records and Employer Student Records Verification.

RTO Governance webinar

This webinar covers the broader issue of registered training organisation (RTO) governance, including RTO business practices, third party agreement and record management.

RTO Marketing Webinar

The workshop aims to increase the capability of RTOs and their staff in understanding marketing requirements for RTOs, as prescribed in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards).
This snapshot provides a summary of compliance trends of Training Accreditation Council (TAC) regulated providers.

State Priority Occupation List

The State Priority Occupation List is produced each year by the Department of Training and Workforce Development; in consultation with key stakeholders including industry training councils, to inform and guide workforce planning and development for Western Australia.

Strategic Review Reports

Strategic Reviews provide an in-depth analysis of systemic issues pertaining to a specific industry area or other systemic VET issues.  The consideration of risk at the local level allows WA to respond to locally or nationally identified quality issues and intervene in a timely manner.


The following Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) have been developed to assist RTOs to prepare for the implementation of the Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).

TAC Talks - Podcast

'TAC Talks', the official podcast of the Training Accreditation Council (TAC). Listen as TAC Auditors, experts and guests discuss targeted aspects of compliance and quality.

TAFE college governance

Information and resources from the Department of Training and Workforce Development to support governance processes and procedures for Western Australia's TAFE colleges.

TAFE International Western Australia

TAFE International WA is the unit within the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development responsible for the recruitment and admission of international students studying at WA TAFE colleges and Government schools.

The Course Accreditation Process webinar

Accrediting a course within the VET sector is a significant undertaking for an organisation. The aim of this webinar is to provide you with information that will help you to understand the course accreditation process.

Third Party Arrangements webinar

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 at Clause 8.3 require RTOs to notify the TAC of all third-party agreements. This workshop acknowledges the valuable role of third parties in the delivery of VET services and details what steps must followed when engaging a third party.

Trainer and Assessor Requirements Webinar

This webinar provides information on the conditions of being a trainer and assessor including qualifications required, vocational competence and industry currency and the RTO's responsibility when third party arrangements are in place. 

Training Accreditation Council (TAC) Event 2023

The TAC Event 2023 was hosted on 9 June 2023 and offered TAC RTOs and their staff opportunity to explore topics to help achieve quality training and delivery, meet TAC Secretariat staff and network with other TAC RTOs.

Training Accreditation Council Clips

The Training Accreditation Council has developed a number of clips to assist organisations understand the VET Sector and application process.

Training Accreditation Council Regulatory Approach

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC/the Council) uses a risk based regulatory approach that is consistent, effective, proportional, responsive and transparent, as outlined in the Standards for VET Regulators 2015.

Training Accreditation Council's Jurisdiction

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) is responsible for the registration of training providers delivering nationally recognised training to domestic students in Western Australia only, or in both Western Australia and Victoria.

Training Product Equivalence webinar

This webinar provides guidance and information on what equivalence means for national training products and what an RTO should do when a new version of a Training Package is released.

Understanding the Audit Process

The Training Accreditation Council's (TAC's) audit process aims to ensure the compliance of a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the Standards for RTOs and TAC policies.

Understanding Training Packages webinar

This webinar explores the components of a training package and how to interpret them, covering key topics including information on qualifications and how they are specified, units of competency and what they include, guidance on the use of training packages, accredited courses, transition and scope.

Vocational education and training scholarships

The Department provides and/or supports scholarship programs that provide opportunities for people to engage with vocational education and training. Information and updates about scholarship programs, when they are available, will be provided here.

Webinar Recordings and Resources

Training Accreditation Council webinars are developed to support Registered Training Organisation staff understanding of TAC processes and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System

The Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS) online client portal provides registered users with 24/7 online access to view and manage training contracts, and employer incentive / wage subsidy claims.

Western Australian Defence Industry Workforce Office

The WA Defence Industry Workforce Office receives input from WA’s defence industry to undertake workforce analysis and planning; lead in the formulation of defence industry workforce development plans, initiatives and strategies; and identify future workforce needs and skilling priorities.

Western Australian State Training Board: How we work

The Western Australian State Training Board works with industry bodies and has key working partnerships and relationships that provide input to our work ensuring that WA's vocational education and training system is responsive to industry needs.

Western Australian State Training Board: Our priorities

The WA State Training Board's program of work supports the development of priorities set out in the WA State Training Plan, along with the fulfilment of the Board's responsibilities under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 and associated Regulations.

Western Australian Training Awards

The WA Training Awards recognise excellence in vocational education and training (VET) and the outstanding achievements of our VET students, apprentices and trainees, practitioners and training providers, organisations and employers.

WorldSkills competitions

WorldSkills competitions develop and showcase skills excellence, raising the status of skilled vocations throughout the world. This global movement has over 80 member countries, that meet every two years to compete in over 50 skills categories.