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Find contact details for Western Australian Government agencies.
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Find contact details for government organisations

The information on this website is brought together from a range of government agencies. Wherever possible, we have included the contact details relating to the services and information on the page.

The ‘Provided by’ link on content pages will take you directly to the agency. General contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.

Find contact details for Western Australian Government departments and agencies.

Find Jobs WA contact details

  • For technical enquiries relating to the Jobs WA website email
  • For enquiries relating to an application contact the relevant contact officer provided in the job advertisement. These include status of your application, late application or enquiries specific to a role.

Assistance for customers with special needs

If you are Deaf, hard of hearing or have speech communication difficulty, please contact the National Relay Service.

Help in your language

two people talking to a translator

To ensure that customers who need to contact government organisations are not disadvantaged as a result of language barriers, automatic translation is available for some content on our website. For more information visit About our website.

Documents can be translated into an appropriate language upon request.

If you require an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (free to non-English speakers).

The operator will assign you an interpreter and connect you with the government department that you need to contact.

Help us improve our site

The feedback you provide us will be used to improve the user experience of the website.

We are interested to know which information you found most useful and why, and what other type of information you would like to see featured on this website.

Please use the Feedback form to:

  • submit general enquiries about the features of this site
  • send comments and suggestions on how we can improve this site
  • report any accessibility issues related to this site
  • to make a complaint about this site.

Issues raised are kept confidential and discussed only with the people who need to be involved. Any information submitted using this form will be used in line with the website's privacy statement.

Don't use this form to:

  • report any matter you consider to be urgent, or

  • for any request for information or advice.

This mailbox is not monitored continuously.

How to complain about a government product or service

The Ombudsman Western Australia investigates complaints about Western Australian public authorities: State Government departments, agencies and boards; government services such as hospitals, prisons, schools and technical colleges; public universities; and local governments. Further information about the complaints process is available on the Ombudsman Western Australia website. You can also call them directly for assistance on 61 8 9220 7555 or send an email to the Ombudsman Western Australia.

Report a security issue

If you believe you have found a security issue with this website, you can report it to us through our vulnerability disclosure program. For more information, visit the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy page.